Lessons are available at any time to suit your needs; day-time, after-school, or lessons on your way home from work are all possibilities. Supporting theory lessons are always possible as an integrated part of learning in the early stages or as separate lessons for the higher grades.
Rates from September 2023 to June 2024
30 minutes – £43.50
45 minutes – £58
60 minutes – £72.50
Terms & Conditions
- Notwithstanding the other points in these Terms and Conditions, you are very welcome to discuss your particular needs with the Abingdon Piano School. The School will always try to accommodate each particular student, whenever and however possible; please feel free to ask for what you really want.
- If you need to contact the Abingdon Piano School please do so by email (rather than by text, whatsapp or messenger); this way your query can be dealt with more efficiently.
- One lesson will be given per week during term time; each student will receive around 33 lessons over the course of a year. The dates for Autumn, Spring and Summer terms will be determined by the Abingdon Piano School. Students will attend a sequence of about six lessons in each half term, but will not attend during the half term vacations: October will sometimes be two weeks long, the others normally one week each. Additional lessons can be available by special arrangement. Pupils will be expected to come to lessons on Bank Holidays from time to time. Parents are always welcome to attend lessons, especially for a short period after tuition commences, but as a general rule it is best if pupils are left to develop a pupil-teacher relationship on their own standing. By law, the Abingdon-on-Thames Michaelmas fair must take place annually on the Monday and Tuesday falling first before the 11 October in the centre of town, covering Ock Street, High Street and the Market Place. The Abingdon Piano School will be closed during this time.
- Fees at the rate agreed with the School are payable each term in advance. Invoices are due when they are issued and payment is required before tuition commences. Charges for lessons from September 2024 will be £43.50 per half hour, £58 for 45 minutes and £72.50 per hour. Charges for lessons from September 2025 will be £45 per half hour, £60 for 45 minutes and £75 per hour. These will be revised annually and notice will be given in advance.
- EXTERNAL EVENTS. The teacher will not enter the student for any piano examination, external music competition or public musical performance without the consent of the student or the parent of the student. The student or parent of the student will in turn consult the teacher before they or any third party enters the student for any music examination, music competition or public musical performance. Fees, if they are accrued, will be billed to the student or the parent of the student for all examinations and competitions.
- MISSED LESSONS. It is not possible either to credit or make up single missed lessons during term time and it is the student’s responsibility to give due warning if lessons cannot be attended. All missed lessons will incur the full fee. If the teacher is suddenly unable to give a lesson they will endeavour to make it up the same term; otherwise, the lesson fee will be noted on the following term’s bill. If the teacher cannot attend any of the weeks in a particular term you will be given the dates as part of the planning.
- Once the first invoice has been paid it will be deemed that a contract has been made that will endure for the subsequent terms. This contract is binding from the time that lessons initially commence and is not thereafter dependent upon the payment of any fees whatsoever. This agreement may be terminated (by the pupil or parent of the pupil) by mutual consent; either party may terminate the agreement by giving notice a term in advance for the contract to end. Such termination will take effect at the end of a term, usually, and not at any other time. If the teacher in his reasonable opinion feels unable to continue on account of unreasonable conduct by the pupil or anyone connected with the pupil, the fees for the outstanding lessons will not be refundable. The Abingdon Piano School reserves the right to terminate forthcoming lessons with any student either during term (in which case the remaining fees will be returned) or at the end of any term without stating a reason.
- If a student chooses to cease tuition, then one full term’s notice is required, or fees will be due in lieu; a letter or email should be written to the Abingdon Piano School. It is always possible, if notice is given, for a pupil to take time out of a term, or to have a term off; please let the School know as soon as possible so that adequate time might be given to future planning.
- TERMS AND CONDITIONS. These terms and conditions will be reviewed periodically and any changes in them or the fees will be relayed to the pupil in writing at least a term before the change is applied. Rates and Terms and Conditions are correct as of 12 May 2024.
Andrew Knowles has twenty years’ experience as an accompanist and will accompany any instrumentalist of any grade in an ABRSM music examination, concert or festival. Please contact the school to discuss rehearsals, rates and venues:
Andrew Knowles MA FRCO LRSM PGCE 169 Ock Street, Abingdon, OX14 5DW
07855 098792 knowles@abingdonpianoschool.co.uk